Fujiwara no Teika

Fujiwara ne l Teika (an japonés: 藤原定家), tamien coincido por Fujiwara ne l Sadaie ó Sada-ie, (1162 – 26 de setembre, 1241) fui un poeta, crítico, calígrafo, nobelista, antologista, scriba, i estudioso japonés de l fin de l'era Heian i ampeço de l período Kamakura. Sue anfluéncia fui einorme i el ye cunsidrado inda hoije antre ls maiores
Ber tamien
[eiditar | eiditar código-fuonte]- Shikishi
[eiditar | eiditar código-fuonte]- Brower, Robert H. (1972), "'Ex-Emperor Go-Toba's Secret Teachings': Go-Toba no in Gokuden", Harvard periodical of Asiatic Studies 32: 5-70, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0073-0548%281972%2932%3C5%3A%22GSTGN%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E
- Brower, Robert H. (1978), Translation of Fujiwara Teika's Hundred-Poem Sequence of the Shoji Era, 1200, Sophia University, ASIN B0006E39K8
- Brower, Robert H. (1985), "Fujiwara Teika's Maigetsusho", Monumenta Nipponica 40 (4): 399-425, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0027-0741%28198524%2940%3A4%3C399%3AFTM%3E2.0.CO%3B2-S
- Carter, Steven D. (1997), Unforgotten Dreams: Poems by the Zen Monk Shōtetsu, Columbia University Press, ISBN 0-231-10576-2
- Keene, Donald (1989), Travelers of a Hundred Ages: The Japanese as Revealed Through 1,000 Years of Diaries, Henry Holt and Company, ISBN 0-8050-1655-4
- Keene, Donald (1999), Seeds in the Heart: Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century, Columbia University Press, ISBN 0-231-11441-9
- Miner, Earl; Brower, Robert H. (1961), Japanese Court Poetry, Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-1524-6
- Miner, Earl (1968), An Introduction to Japanese Court Poetry, Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-0636-0
- Mostow, Joshua S., ed. (1996). Pictures of the Heart: The Hyakunin Isshu in Word and Image. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Ligaçones sternas
[eiditar | eiditar código-fuonte]- Hyakunin isshu-(Public domain translation online)
- Breve biografia (
an anglés) de Teika e ligações para ~41 poemas traduzidos.
- Entry at Encyclopedia Britannica
- Page Arquibado an 2014-05-15 ne l Wayback Machine.on the Meigetsuki
- Picture Arquibado an 2014-05-15 ne l Wayback Machine.of a portion of a hand-scroll of the Meigetsuki
- Articleon Teika and a supernova he witnessed