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Andrew Dickson White

Ourige: Biquipédia, la anciclopédia lhibre.
Andrew Dickson White an 1885.

Andrew Dickson White (7 de nobembre de 18324 de nobembre de 1918) fui un diplomata, scritor i eiducador de ls Stados Ounidos, mais coincido por ser l co-fundador de la Ounibersidade Cornell.

<dib class="references-small">

  • Altschuler, Glenn C. (1979), Andrew D. White — Eiducator, Storian, Diplomat, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
  • Drechsler, Wolfgang (1989), Andrew D. White in Germany. The Repersentatibe of the United States in Berlin, 1879-1881 and 1897-1902, Stuttgart: Heinç
  • Lindberg, David C., and Ronald L. Numbers (1986), "Antrodution" to God & Nature: Storical Essays on the Ancounter betwen Christianity and Science, ed. Lindberg and Numbers, Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Lindberg and Numbers (1987), "Beyond War and Peace: La Reappraisal of the Ancounter betwen Christianity and Science", Perspetibes on Science and Christian Faith 39:140-149 (çponible na Amarican Scientific Affeliation)
  • Angst, Eilaine D. and Dimunation, Mark. La Legacy of Eideas: Andrew Dickson White and the Founding of the Cornell University Library (Ithaca: Cornell University Library, 1996) (çponible ne l eCommones@Cornell)


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