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Çcriçon de l fexeiro
ÇcriçonWikipedia-esque globe in a winterscape 78.jpg
English: An AI-generated image depicting a sphere resembling the Wikipedia globe logo in a winter landscape.
"A lush winter landscape at sunrise, high-quality digital art. Sitting on a rugged mountain summit is a smooth sphere made of white puzzle pieces covered in snow. Numerous small puzzle pieces are falling from the sky and hitting the snow, resembling a blizzard."
Obra de l própio
Image Creator by Microsoft Bing
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This file is in the public domain because it is the work of a computer algorithm or artificial intelligence and does not contain sufficient human authorship to support a copyright claim.
Legal disclaimer Most images-generating AI models were trained using works that are protected by copyright. In some cases, such assets and models can produce images that contain major copyrightable elements of those copyrighted training images, making these outputs derivative works. Accordingly, there is a risk that AI-generated art uploaded on Commons may violate the rights of the authors of the original works. See Commons:AI-generated media for additional details.