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You can use this picture under the terms of the free license listed below. This means in particular:
You must place the above copyright notice ('attribution) in a suitable place (next to the photo or temporarily in the imprint or image source list) so that an appropriate and clear connection is made between the image and me as the author. Please refrain from giving further details such as via Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Commons or similar.
If you use this photo in a project that does not belong to Wikimedia, e.g. in a book or on your website, please send me an email ( or leave a message here on Commons.
If you use this photo in a printed work, e.g. a book, a flyer or a postcard etc., I would be very pleased to receive a copy.
Write to me if you need more information or want special permission.
Although I am the author of this photo, I cannot exclude the possibility that national or international law or third parties may restrict the use of this file (e.g. through personality rights, house and trademark rights or regulations on freedom of panorama).
It is important to respect and comply with the terms of the licence, and not only to protect my rights as a author. By complying with licensing terms, we show our respect for creators and allow others to freely use and distribute their work. It also fosters a culture of open exchange and collaboration, which is the foundation for the growth of knowledge and creativity.
This file is multi-licensed under "Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International" (CC BY-NC 4.0) and "Free Art License"' (Licence Art Libre).
You are free to share this work (copy, distribute) and adapt (remix, transform build upon the material) under the terms of the licence CC BY-NC 4.0: You must give appropriate credit (attribution) and indicate if changes were made. You may not use the material for commercial purposes (noncommercial).
You can redistribute and modify this work according to terms of the Free Art License (Licence Art Libre): You must give appropriate credit (attribution). If you change the work, you must mark this accordingly and distribute subsequent work under the same license ('copyleft).